General Description: CS2N60B4D, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power switching circuit for system miniaturization and higher efficiency. The package form is TO-252, which accords with the RoHS standard. Features: Fast Switching ESD Improved Capability Low Gate Charge (Typical Data:7.5nC) Low Reverse transfer capacitances(Typical:5.0pF) 100% Single Pulse avalanche energy Test 以下是我司一级代理的产品线和主要产品: 一,高压大电流MOS管系列: 1N60/2N60/4N60/5N60/7N60/8N60/10N60/12N60/4N65/5N65/7N65/8N65/10N65/12N65 产品应用:1.LED电源/2.电源(开关电源、UPS电源、通信电等)/3.充电器/4.适配器/5.电源板/6.小家电、家电电源板/7.电动工具/8.电脑主板、显卡 二,恒流二极管: 2H 产品应用:1.LED日光灯 2.LED球泡灯 3.恒流源等 三,LED驱动IC系列: CS8211AEO、 CS7208S/10S/20D、CS9208S/10S/20D/40D、CS6552EP、CS6552FEP 产品应用:日光管,天花灯,吸顶,面板,筒灯,射灯,格栅灯等 四,三极管: 13001P/ 产品应用:1.紧凑型电子节能灯 2. 电子镇流器 3. 一般功率开关电路等 五,桥堆: R6S08 产品应用:1. LED整流电路 2.节能灯 3.中小功率电源等