上传时间:2010/3/19 16:51:13
摘要:本文根据电镀电源的工作特点,提出了选用高频开关电源来实现的电路方案。笔者根据近年的应用实践研究,对在实践中比较成功的ZVS PWM软开关方案,进行了较深入的工作分析,描述了其优缺点。
叙词:电镀开关电源 软开关 移相全桥
Abstract:The article provides a circuit scheme that use high-frequency switch power supply based on the functional features of plating power supply. On the basis of the applied practice research of recent years, the author probes into the functions of ZVS PWM soft switch that has been successfully used in reality, and analyzes its strong points and weak points.
Keyword:Plating Switch Power Supply, Soft Switch, Phase-shifted Full Bridge
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