作者:杜立兴 上传时间:2011/1/17 17:48:17
摘要:本文主要论述台达变频器、PLC、HMI产品在多功能旋压机控制系统的应用原理, 在该系统中,变频器驱动主轴电机的旋转;PLC以RS-485通讯方式调节主轴(变频器)的转速,PLC模拟量扩展模块用于控制液压缸的压力和流量,编码器获取左侧液压缸以及右侧液压缸的当前位置信号,HMI监控旋压机的运行状态以及警报信息,展示了台达自动化产品的系统集成优势。
Abstract:This article mainly explains the application theory of Deltas inverterPLCHMI products in Multi-function Spinning Machine. In this system, the inverter is used for realizing the actions of revolution, and the PLC modules adjust the rotate speed by the way of RS-485 communication protocol; The Analog Expansion Modules of PLC control the pressure and flow rate of the fluid cylinder; The current position signals of both sides of fluid cylinder are obtained by the encoder; The HMI can monitor the operation state and the alarm message. Thus, the whole network displays the system integration advantages of Deltas industrial automation products.
Keyword:VFD-B series inverter, DVP80EH2 Host, DVP04PT Temperature Module, DVP04DA Module, DVP06XA Module