可再生能源传输 — 先进铅碳储能系统改善电网传输
作者:乔恩 安德森 上传时间:2012/1/4 9:54:10
摘要:先进铅碳储能系统 (ALCESS)是特别适合增长中的可再生能源电网传输。一般来说,电网堵塞限制了低成本的再生能源为负载供电。最有效改善低成本的再生能源向城市地区供电的途径是减低传输上瓶颈堵塞。在这种应用中,先进铅碳储能系统安装在堵塞的地方,当有紧急事故时,它提供备用储备能源,因此它使事故后的堵塞点减低所要增加的容量。当先进铅碳储能系统只是周期性的部署,紧急事故时,它使系统营运者可利用较大份额的堵塞点传输容量。 因此,能减低安装地点的堵塞和促进低成本的再生能源的使用。
叙词:储能 先进铅碳储能系统 阀控式铅酸电池 电网传输
Abstract:Advanced Lead Carbon Energy Storage Systems (ALCESS) are particularly well suited for increasing renewable energy transmission in the electric grid. In general, congestion on the grid limits the flow of low marginal cost renewable generation to load. Reducing congestion at transmission bottlenecks is the most effective way of improving flows of low cost renewable generation to urban areas. In this application, the ALCESS is located at a congestion point to provide back-up energy storage during a contingency event thereby allowing the congestion point post-contingent limit to be increased by the capacity of the energy storage system. While the ALCESS is only deployed periodically, during a contingency, it allows the system operators to utilize a greater fraction of the congestion points transmission capacity thereby reducing congestion at that location and facilitating the flow of low marginal cost renewable generation.
Keyword:Energy storage, ALCESS, VRLA, Network transmission