作者:刘竞雅 上传时间:2012/5/8 16:43:42
叙词:锂离子电池 高电压 高能量密度 阴极材料
Abstract: Li-ion batteries (LIB), reversible energy storage/conversion systems, have been successfully applied in many areas. Nowadays, LIB is increasingly being considered as an alternative to conventional fossil fuel to power the transportation vehicles. Whereas, the high energy density required by the electric vehicles is a big challenge, to overcome which more and more interests are attracted worldwide. In this paper, we reviewed the progress in the development of 5V-class high-voltage and high-energy cathode materials for LIB. The challenges and problems to develop high-voltage cathode materials were explained. Progress of several promising 5V cathode materials were also systematically summarized.
Keyword:Li ion batteries (LIB), High-voltage, High-energy density, Cathode materials