作者:和巍巍1, 张学强1, Patrick 上传时间:2012/5/9 10:06:26
摘要:IGBT有源电压控制技术(Active Voltage Control,简称AVC),是在IGBT控制过程中引入多重闭环反馈,使IGBT开通和关断过程中集电极-发射极电压VCE的轨迹始终跟随预先设定的参考信号,实现高压应用时IGBT器件直接串联的同步工作和有效均压。本文介绍了有源电压控制技术的基本概念,串联IGBT的实验波形和相应的损耗计算。
叙词:IGBT 串联 驱动 均压 有源电压控制 Active Voltage Control
Abstract:The so-called IGBT AVC technology is something that during the IGBT control process, various layers of closed loop reaction is introduced to ensure that the pathway of collector-emitter voltage VCE during the process of On-Off of the IGBT follows the predefined referential signal, to realize synchronous function and effective voltage-sharing when IGBT components are connected in series with the high-voltage application. The article introduces basic concepts of AVC, experimental wave of IGBT connected in series and related loss calculation.
Keyword:IGBT, Connection in series, Drive, Voltage sharing, Active voltage control