作者:孙淑梅 上传时间:2012/5/9 14:01:00
叙词:蓄电池 监测 寿命
Abstract:VRLA should be used under strict condition.. When it is functioned in a wrong conditon, not only the duration of the battery will be shortened, but also serious situations such as thermorunaway and exposion will be led to. Therefore, function parameters monitoring of VRLA battery is of much importance. The place where back-up battery is applied is key target for protection. When the capacitance is lowered down to a certain degree, the back-up battery pack will be of no use. In case main power supply goes wrong, the whole system will stop functioning, which will lead to huge loss. To find out the lowering of battery capacitance and deal with the situation in time is also very important.
Keyword:Battery, Monitor, Duration