作者:张俊峰1,夏波1,李莉1,孙丹峰2 上传时间:2012/5/15 17:37:01
叙词:氧化锌压敏电阻 8/20μS脉冲电流下的伏安特性 压敏陶瓷体等效电感 引出电感 引出电阻 回线特征 本征特性
Abstract:The Volt-ampere Characteristic Curve of ZnO Varistors under 8/20S impulse current shows that its rising process does not repeat its falling process. The article, based on the physical model series-wound by non-linear resistance, grain resistance, equivalent inductance and leading-out resistance, a current area following the breakdown of pressure-sensitive ceramic body, advances that ceramic equivalent inductance, polar equivalent inductance, and lead inductance comprise equivalent series-wound inductance of pressure-senstive resistance, polar equivalent resistance and lead equivalent resistance comprise lead-out resistance, series-wound inductance comprises loop wire characteristics. Based on the model, series-wound inductance values of different current spots can be measured, equivalent inducance value is invariable, and it also can be concludes that ceramic equivalent inductance can be invariable. It can be sure that besides lead-out inductance(including leading wire inductance and polar equivalent inductance, the loop wire characteristics of volt-ampere characteristics are intrinsic features of pressure-sensitive ceramic body.
Keyword:ZnO Varistor, Volt-ampere characteristic under 8/20S impulse current, Equivalent inductance of pressure-sensitive ceramic body, Lead-out inductance, L