作者:邓隐北 孙合会 陈仕斌 上传时间:2012/7/5 15:00:57
有机EL是继LED之后,又一发现的更为理想的固态电光源。特别通过扩散板的利用,迅速改善了发光效率。不久的未来它将广泛应用于照明领域,逐步取代LED和部分气体放电光源而形成照明应用的主流。 叙词:有机EL照明 固态电光源 发光效率 电致发光(EL) LED Abstract:The paper analyses the lighting principles, material performance and component structure of EL lighting, concluding that organic EL is an ideal solid lighting source following LED. By adopting diffusing panel, the lighting efficiency can be improved significantly. In the near future, organic EL can be applied widely, becoming mainstrem in lighintg field by replacing gradually the LED lighting and some gas-discharge sources. Keyword:Organic EL lighting, Solid power source, Lighting efficiency, Electroluminescence, LED
有机EL是继LED之后,又一发现的更为理想的固态电光源。特别通过扩散板的利用,迅速改善了发光效率。不久的未来它将广泛应用于照明领域,逐步取代LED和部分气体放电光源而形成照明应用的主流。 叙词:有机EL照明 固态电光源 发光效率 电致发光(EL) LED Abstract:The paper analyses the lighting principles, material performance and component structure of EL lighting, concluding that organic EL is an ideal solid lighting source following LED. By adopting diffusing panel, the lighting efficiency can be improved significantly. In the near future, organic EL can be applied widely, becoming mainstrem in lighintg field by replacing gradually the LED lighting and some gas-discharge sources. Keyword:Organic EL lighting, Solid power source, Lighting efficiency, Electroluminescence, LED