作者:郭鑫 袁海文 北京航空航天大学自动化科学 上传时间:2012/9/4 16:42:00
叙词:独立电源系统 有源滤波器 谐波 补偿策略 Abstract:This article first introduces the independent power supply system active filter harmonic and reactive current compensation principle. And then, when active filter output power can not meet the needs of the compensation of power system, and put forward the harmonic and reactive current compensation strategy, make active filter in a fixed compensation ability under the maximum compensation benefits, improve the active filter compensation performance. Through the analysis and comparison, it is shown that the compensation strategy has great advantages, and in actual active filter device got better application, it is proved that the strategy is correct and effective. Keyword:supply system, Active filter, Harmonic, Compensation strateg
叙词:独立电源系统 有源滤波器 谐波 补偿策略 Abstract:This article first introduces the independent power supply system active filter harmonic and reactive current compensation principle. And then, when active filter output power can not meet the needs of the compensation of power system, and put forward the harmonic and reactive current compensation strategy, make active filter in a fixed compensation ability under the maximum compensation benefits, improve the active filter compensation performance. Through the analysis and comparison, it is shown that the compensation strategy has great advantages, and in actual active filter device got better application, it is proved that the strategy is correct and effective. Keyword:supply system, Active filter, Harmonic, Compensation strateg