作者:张俊峰 陕西华星压敏电阻器厂 上传时间:2012/9/14 11:59:28
叙词:老化机理 电致伸缩 应变 不可逆 晶界热冲击 滞后效应 Abstract:Based on the existing piezoresitor aging principles, the paper presents further hypothesis that there are two more factors for aging. One is the irreversible part due to the converse piezoeclectric effect and electrostriction effect of the grain boundary under the high field; the other is the heat shock resulting from the sudden temperature rise and drop of the grain boundary under the situation of high current shock. Keyword:Aging principle, Electrostriction, Strain, Irreversible, Heat shock of the grain boundary, After effect
叙词:老化机理 电致伸缩 应变 不可逆 晶界热冲击 滞后效应 Abstract:Based on the existing piezoresitor aging principles, the paper presents further hypothesis that there are two more factors for aging. One is the irreversible part due to the converse piezoeclectric effect and electrostriction effect of the grain boundary under the high field; the other is the heat shock resulting from the sudden temperature rise and drop of the grain boundary under the situation of high current shock. Keyword:Aging principle, Electrostriction, Strain, Irreversible, Heat shock of the grain boundary, After effect