作者:朱慧博 宿迁学院计算机科学系 上传时间:2012/11/29 14:54:12
叙词:单片机 充电电源 SG3525 直流变换 Abstract:Through analyzed lack of the conventional charging method of battery, the paper adopt multi-stage charging strategy. The power supply design chose the ADUC814 microcontroller and SG3525 as the master control chip. Paper designed the software system and hardware circuit that by full-bridge converter as the main circuit structure. Prototype test waveforms show that the charging power supply design is reasonable, the output voltage ripple is small, and the stability is high. The intelligent charging power supply has good practical value. Keyword:Keywords: Single chip , Charging power supply , SG3525 , DC Convert
叙词:单片机 充电电源 SG3525 直流变换 Abstract:Through analyzed lack of the conventional charging method of battery, the paper adopt multi-stage charging strategy. The power supply design chose the ADUC814 microcontroller and SG3525 as the master control chip. Paper designed the software system and hardware circuit that by full-bridge converter as the main circuit structure. Prototype test waveforms show that the charging power supply design is reasonable, the output voltage ripple is small, and the stability is high. The intelligent charging power supply has good practical value. Keyword:Keywords: Single chip , Charging power supply , SG3525 , DC Convert