作者:郑强 中达电通股份有限公司,关键基础架构 上传时间:2012/12/13 16:48:21
摘要:中国铁路发展进入一个新的历史阶段“高速时代”, 保障高速铁路安全、高效、可靠的运行,配置一套科学、合理的信号系统是极其关键的任务。高可靠的电源系统是可靠的信号系统的核心。本文介绍了高速铁路信号系统UPS电源解决方案及其配置,对信号电源UPS系统的性能特点进行分析。
叙词:高速铁路 信号电源 UPS Abstract:China Railway is entering into a High-speed Age, thus providing a scientific and reasonable signal system is a key task to ensure the safe, efficient and reliable functioning of the railway. Reliable power supply system is the core to a reliable signal system. The passage introduces UPS solution scheme and relevant configuration for high-speed railway signal system, and analyses the features of the UPS system for signal power source. Keyword:High-speed railway, Signal power source, UPS
叙词:高速铁路 信号电源 UPS Abstract:China Railway is entering into a High-speed Age, thus providing a scientific and reasonable signal system is a key task to ensure the safe, efficient and reliable functioning of the railway. Reliable power supply system is the core to a reliable signal system. The passage introduces UPS solution scheme and relevant configuration for high-speed railway signal system, and analyses the features of the UPS system for signal power source. Keyword:High-speed railway, Signal power source, UPS