作者:衣红明 马凤英 上传时间:2013/4/10 19:49:51
摘要:当前,电动汽车用蓄电池的比能量和比功率还不能达到理想的要求,将超级电容引入到电动汽车的储能系统中,构建超级电容—蓄电池复合电源系统,利用超级电容高功率密度特性弥补蓄电池的不足。综合考虑运用两种储能系统的优缺点,解决了电动汽车续驶里程与加速爬坡性能之间的矛盾。在MATLAB/Simulink 环境下对复合电源系统中重要模块进行仿真,测试结果显示,采用超级电容—蓄电池的复合电源系统能发挥其高能量密度和高功率密度特性,从而提高车辆的动力性能和能量利用率。
Abstract:At present, the electric car battery specific energy and specific power can not achieve the ideal requirements. In this study, ultracapacitor was applied to the energy storage system in battery electric vehicle to form a multiples energy supply system of ultra capacitorand battery to make use of high power density characteristics of ultra capacitor to overcome the battery deficiency, Considering theadvantages and disadvantages of the two energy storage system, resolve the contradictions among Electric Vehicle mileage, accelerationand climbing performance. The simulation results show that the ultra capacitor-battery composite power system can play a high energydensity and high power density characteristics, thereby the vehicles dynamic performance and energy utilization can be enhanced.
Keyword:Compound power supply, Energy management, Ultra capacitor, DC/DC Converter