综述| 设计分析| 通信电源| 电力电源| 不间断电源| 逆变电源| 交流稳定电源| 工业特种电源| 蓄电池| 电能质量管理| 元器件| 电磁兼容| LED| 控制 驱动 保护| 人物企业访谈| 开关电源技术| 电子变压器| 电力电子新技术| 新能源| 标准介绍| 应用分析| 谐波治理| 技术研究 仿真技术| 其他|


作者:杨其林  刘建强  郑琼林   上传时间:2013/4/14 14:16:55
摘要:在分析CRH3 型高速列车牵引变流器冷却系统结构与工作原理的基础上,根据冷却系统热交换器实物尺寸、冷却液实际流速等参数,应用ANSYS 有限元分析软件建立了牵引变流器冷却系统热交换器模型,并设置相应仿真边界条件,由ANSYS/FLOTRAN 解析出热交换器的流场和温度场分布情况。通过对分析结果的后处理,计算得出了冷却系统热交换器的散热功率,其结果与牵引变流器功率损耗参数基本相符,验证了仿真分析的正确性。仿真分析结果有助于对高速列车牵引变流器冷却系统散热能力的评估,及冷却系统热交换器结构设计的改进,为进一步提高高速列车牵引变流器冷却系统的散热能力提供了理论依据。
Abstract:Following the analysis of the cooling system structure and relevant principles of the CRH3 high-speed train traction converter
and based on parameters of sizes of cooling system thermal exchanger and the real velocity of cooling fluid, thermal exchanging model
of traction converter cooling system is constructed, simulated marginal conditions are set by applying ANSYS finite element analysis
software, and fluid field of thermal exchanger and temperature field distributions are analyzed by ANSYS/FLOTRAN. Based on the
post-calculation of analysis results, heat dissipation power of the cooling system thermal exchange is reached, which is about to match
the power loss parameters of traction converter, hence the correctness of simulation analysis is verified. Simulation analysis helps the
evaluation of cooling system heat dissipation capacity of high-speed train traction converter, and is helpful to the improvement of the
structure design of cooling system thermal exchanger. It also provides theoretical foundation for improving the heat dissipation ability of
the cooling system for high-speed train traction converter.
Keyword:High-speed train, Traction converter cooling system, Thermal fxchanger, ANSYS/FLOTRAN, Temperature field
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