一种光伏电池- 蓄电池- 超级电容器复合电源系统设计
作者:吕建勋 袁海文 吕应明 上传时间:2013/4/14 16:57:04
Abstract:Common battery power supply often has poor power capability and does not have the function of harvesting energy fromthe environment. This paper introduces a composite power supply system by photovoltaic cell, battery and ultra-capacitor. An open,reconfigurable, dynamic architecture of the composite power supply is proposed, and the designation of the composite power supplycontrol system becomes simplified via employing the idea of mutual equivalent. The simulation model of the composite power supplysystem is established to simulate its application in the mobile robot, and the experiment prototype of the mobile robot using the compositepower supply is designed. The simulation results and the experiment results illustrate the feasibility of the design of the composite powersupply in this article, and also verify the superiority of the composite power supply used in the mobile robot.
Keyword:Composite power supply, Dynamic architecture, Mobile robot
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