作者:孙丹峰 季幼章 上传时间:2015/6/17 15:11:40
摘要:This paper introduces the performance and experiment result of parallel connection of ZnO varistors among surge protection devices. Accordingly, effective methods of SMT selection are presented with the help of literature
叙词:电涌保护器(SPD) 保护断路装置 熔断器 断路器 配合应用
Abstract:This paper introduces the performance and experiment result of parallel connection of ZnO varistors among surge protection devices. Accordingly, effective methods of SMT selection are presented with the help of literature review. Whats more, two or more SPD will be installed in low-voltage electrical system. Energy coordination between SPDs is introduced as well.
Keyword:Surge protection device, ZnO varistors, Parallel connection, Energy coordination, Combination performance