一种新颖的ZVZCS PWM全桥变换器
作者:张恩利 侯振义 余侃民 上传时间:2004/12/16 11:06:11
摘要:提出了一种新颖的零电流零电压开关(ZCZVS)PWM全桥变换器,通过增加一个辅助电路的方法实现了变换器的软开关。与以往的ZCZVS PWM 全桥变换器相比,所提出的新颖变换器具有电路结构简单、整机效率高以及电流环自适应调整等优点,这使得它特别适合高压大功率的应用场合。文章详细分析了该变换器的工作原理及电路设计,并在一台功率为4kW、工作频率为80kHz的通信用开关电源装置上得到了实验验证。
叙词:全桥变换器 零电压开关 零电流开关 软开关 脉宽调制
Abstract:A novel zero-voltage and zero-current -switching (ZVZCS) full-bridge pulse-width-modulated (PWM) converter with a simple auxiliary circuit is presented in this paper. The proposed novel converter has such advantages as simple auxiliary circuit, high overall efficiency and self-adjustment of the circulating current with compared to previous ZVZCS Full-Bridge PWM Converters, which make the proposed converter suitable for high voltage and high power applications. The operation principle and the circuit design of the converter are analyzed in detail. The proposed scheme is verified on the 4kW prototype converter operating at 80 kHz.
Keyword:ull-bridge converter; zero-voltage-switching; zero-current-switching; soft-switching; PWM