作者:陈丽敏 史立生 上传时间:2004/12/5 10:45:33
摘要: 本文给出了一种可用于功率因数校正的新型低通态损耗电路。通常的功率因数校正电路由二极管桥式整流电路和升压式变换器组成。其缺陷是电路工作时,一直有三个半导体器件存在导通压降。本文研究的电路,当升压变换器功率管导通时,有三个半导体器件存在导通压降;而当升压变换器功率管关断时,只有两个半导体器件存在导通压降。因此,提高了电路的工作效率。本文分析了这种电路的工作原理,并给出了仿真结果,证明了理论分析的正确性。
叙词:通态损耗 功率因数校正 零电压转换 软开关
Abstract: A novel low conduction loss circuit that can be used for power factor correction (PFC) is presented in this paper. A conventional PFC circuit is composed of diode bridge rectifier and boost converter circuits. The main drawback of the conventional PFC circuit is that when it operates, there are always three semiconductors conducting. The new circuit given in this paper there are three semiconductors conducting when the boost converter’s power switch is in the switch-on operation mode, there are only to semiconductors conducting when the boost converter’s power switch is in the switch-off operation mode. Thus the efficiency of the PFC circuit is improved. The basic principle of the novel PFC circuit is analyzed in detail and the simulation results are given. The theory analysis is testified by the simulation results.
Keyword:Conduction Loss, Power Factor Correction (PFC), Zero voltage Transition (ZVT), Soft Switching.