综述| 设计分析| 通信电源| 电力电源| 不间断电源| 逆变电源| 交流稳定电源| 工业特种电源| 蓄电池| 电能质量管理| 元器件| 电磁兼容| LED| 控制 驱动 保护| 人物企业访谈| 开关电源技术| 电子变压器| 电力电子新技术| 新能源| 标准介绍| 应用分析| 谐波治理| 技术研究 仿真技术| 其他|


作者:李成章   上传时间:2004/12/5 11:21:16
摘要:  绿色奥运、科技奥运是举世瞩目的2008年北京奥运会所追求的主题之一。能向大型体育体设施提供高效、节能和不间断的电源的应急电源是确保奥运会能顺利地运行所必备的电源设备之一。应急电源用的EPS和UPS电源的主要负载为电阻性照明设备和电感性的电机负载。对EPS 和按ECO模式工作的UPS的主要技术要求是:对各种不同功率因数的负载的适应能力强、供电系统的运行效率高和执行”市电供电”转”逆变器供电”的”切换操作时间”短。本文详细分析它们在带各种负载时的工作特性。当市电供电不正常时,UPS同EPS相比,它具有切换时间短、可靠性高和产品的生产”成熟性”高的优势。
Abstract:  The major loads of the ESP and UPS for emergency source are lighting installation of the resistance property and electrical motor of the inductive property. Technical requirements for both of them are as followings: The adaptability for variety of the loads with different power factors should be strong; The efficiency of the power source should be high; The time of the transfer operation should be shorter. The operation characteristics and related technical parameters of both of EPS and UPS under driving various loads are analyzed and discussed. Both of them have the advantages of high efficiency andthe capacity for reducing the energy resources and for driving a variety of the loads with different power factors, if the mains supply is normal. As compared with EPS, UPS operated under ECO mode has the following advantages: shorter time of the transfer operation, higher reliability and higher maturity of the UPS production technology, if the mains supply is outage.
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[ ] 发表于 2009/10/21 16:51:08
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