综述| 设计分析| 通信电源| 电力电源| 不间断电源| 逆变电源| 交流稳定电源| 工业特种电源| 蓄电池| 电能质量管理| 元器件| 电磁兼容| LED| 控制 驱动 保护| 人物企业访谈| 开关电源技术| 电子变压器| 电力电子新技术| 新能源| 标准介绍| 应用分析| 谐波治理| 技术研究 仿真技术| 其他|


作者:李 磊  陈道炼  胡育文   上传时间:2004/12/22 16:00:19
摘要:  提出了一类双极性移相控制电压源高频交流环节AC/AC变换器,以半桥全波式电路拓扑为例,深入研究了这类变换器的稳态工作原理,获得了变换器功率器件实现软开关的设计准则。借助输出周波变换器换流重叠、输入电压极性选择和输出滤波电感电流极性选择,实现了变压器漏感能量和输出滤波电感电流的自然换流,解决了周波变换器固有的电压过冲和环流问题,实现了输入周波变换器功率器件的零电压ZVS开关和输出周波变换器功率器件的零电流ZCS开关,为获得新型正弦交流稳压器和电子变压器奠定了关键技术基础。仿真与原理试验结果均证实了双极性移相控制电压源高频交流环节AC/AC变换器的正确性与先进性。
叙词:AC/AC变换器 周波变换器 高频交流环节 双极性移相控制 软开关
Abstract:  The bi-polarity Phase-shifted controlled voltage mode AC/AC converters with high frequency ac link are presented.Steady operation principle of the converters is deeply investigated, and the design criterion for power devices of the converters to realize soft-switching is obtained, the half bridge-full wave mode circuit topology for example.By using commutation overlap of the output cycloconverter and polarity selection of the input voltage and output filtering inductance current,the leakage inductance energy and the output filtering inductance current are naturally commutated,and the surge voltage and surge current of the cycloconverters are overcome,and ZVS switching of power devices in the input cycloconverter and ZCS switching of power devices in the output cycloconverter are realized.The converters lay the key technical foundation on new-type regulated sinusoidal ac power supply and electronic transformer.The accuracy and advancement of the bi-polarity phase-shifted controlled voltage mode AC/AC converters with high frequency ac link are verified by the simulation and principle test.
Keyword:AC/AC converters Cycloconverter High frequency ac link Bi-polarity phase-shifted control Soft-switching
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