作者:熊鲜明 李晓景 上传时间:2004/12/23 11:58:16
摘要: 本文主要讨论了VRLA蓄电池的两种技术的优缺点,同时将两种技术有机地复合,设计和生产了一种新型GEL-VRLA蓄电池,并与常规生产的AGM- VRLA蓄电池进行了性能对比,该新型GEL-VRLA蓄电池同时具有两种技术的优点,必将成为VRLA蓄电池的市场主力军。
叙词:AGM技术、GEL技术、复合技术、 VRLA蓄电池
Abstract: This paper has discussed advantage and disadvantage of two technology, that used in VRLA battery. We design and produce a new GEL_VRLA battery with composite technology, compare to the general AGM-VRLA battery in performance.
The new GEL_VRLA battery has a advantage of two technology, it should be main force in VRLA- battery market.
Keyword:AGM technology, GEL technology, Composite technology, VRLA battery
The new GEL_VRLA battery has a advantage of two technology, it should be main force in VRLA- battery market.
Keyword:AGM technology, GEL technology, Composite technology, VRLA battery
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