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“Powering Up” for the 21st Century: The Power Supply Industry in Major Transition

作者:Arnold N. Alderman   上传时间:2005/2/3 9:11:21
摘要:The power supply industry is changing more today than ever before. From business composition to architectures, design methods, sourcing, geographic composition and infrastructure, every element of the power supply industry is changing. The challenges are dramatic. with solutions having long term impact. An overview is presented of the power supply industry today based on the author’s industry association work, experience as a supplier, and discussions with industry leaders. Since power supplies is such a broad subject, the paper’s focus is on some key aspects of the industry that may have wide interest to readers and participants. The major trends, market drivers, and issues are examined with some basic conclusions and challenges cited. The objective is to provide the reader with 1) a better overall impression of the state of the power supply industry is today 2) some insight into what the transitional driving elements are and 3) some ideas for assisting in the transitioning movements. The comments are mainly regarding North America and Europe, however these trends are affecting the Asian and Japanese regions.
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