作者:蔡宣三 上传时间:2005/3/19 16:44:45
摘要:前文已介绍单相、三相DCM及CCM boot PFC整流器的原理、控制及瞬态建模方法。本文介绍单相DCM及CCM反激PFC变换器的原理与控制。单相boost和反激PFC变换器运行于DCM时的固有特点是:当占空比为常数时,输入电流接近正弦。
叙词:反激PFC变换器 连续工作模式 不连续工作模式 D控制的无损电阻
Abstract:The principle,control and the transient modeling of the single and three phase boost PFC rectifiers operating in both DCM and CCM are described in the previous papers.The principle and control of the single phase flyback PFC converters operating in both DCM and CCM will be presented in this paper.The inherent property of both the single phase boost and flyback PFC converters,operating in DCM is to draw a sinusoidal-like current,if the duty cycle during a line period is held relatively constant.
Keyword:flyback PFC converter CCM DCM D-contrlled loss free resistor
[ zhangshoucheng ] 发表于 2009/11/18 22:45:00电子邮件:zfs200988@126.com
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