作者:陈永真 上传时间:2009/4/29 15:29:59
叙词:铝电解电容器 薄膜电容器 纹波电流 变频器
Abstract:In this paper,it gives an detailed analysis of the smoothing capacitorsfor multiphase rectifying,gives a result that it is not for smoothing rectifying output voltage as smoothing capacitorsany more,but as the bypass capacitor before DC convertor or DC-Link capacitors for absorbing ripple current by rectifier or load.It proposes the feasibility of using more lower volume film capacitor as the substitute for aluminum electrolytic capacitor,and gives the experiment result.The results show that using more lower volume film capacitor as the substitute for aluminium electrolytic capacitor is feasible in techniques.and has a advantage on price,it is most important that the reliabilities of thansducer has been improved obviously.
Keyword:Aluminum Electroytic Capacitors, film capacitor, ripple current, transducer