作者:王丹 贺明智 游小杰 上传时间:2009/5/26 16:54:43
叙词:全桥高频链逆变器 正弦脉冲脉位控制 仿真
Abstract:A novel control strategy called hybrid sinusoidal pulse width phase modulation is proposed in this paper according to the control of full bridge high-frequency link inverter. SPWM wave is transmitted by the high-frequency transformer while the driving logic of the cycloconverter switches is determined by the zero comparison and logical combination of the output voltage and output current. So the driving signals of the cycloconverter switches are combined with low frequency pluses and high frequency ones. The operation principle of the full bridge high-frequency link inverter is analyzed and it is verified by the simulation results of 200VA prototype. Both of the results prove that hybrid control strategy is correct.
Keyword:Full bridge high-frequency link inverter, Sinusoidal pulse width phase modulation, Simulation