作者:罗宣国 陶高周 上传时间:2009/5/27 16:26:19
摘要:在电气工业中,“三防“设计是指防潮湿、防盐雾、防霉菌设计。在我国的南方和沿海地区户外工作的电气设备,必须具备 “三防”设计才能保证其正常工作。“三防”设计是电气产品在各种不同的环境中正常运行的重要保证,产品开发研制时即应从电路设计、材料应用、结构设计和工艺技术等诸方面进行系统性的“三防”设计。
叙词:“三防”设计 防潮湿 防盐雾 防霉菌
Abstract:Three proofing designing is referred to moisture proofing, salt spray proofing and fungus proofing for electronic industry. In the south and coastal regions of China, the Electronic Equipments working outdoor must have three proofing designing for normal operation. The design of moisture-mildew-salt spray Proofing to Electronic Equipments is an important mission for Electronic Equipments operating at the various environments. It should be considered overall from the materials-application, structure design, process engineering and so on at the time of the product development.
Keyword:Three proofing designing, Moisture proofing, Salt spray proofing, Fungus proofing