作者:侯李祥 吕跃刚 上传时间:2009/7/20 17:50:35
摘要: 多电平电路在高压大功率领域的拓展受到其复杂电路拓扑的制约,因此近年来不断有新型多电平电路结构被提出。本文在传统多电平逆变器拓扑结构的基础上,提出了一种新型单相七电平电压源逆变器拓扑。新型电路拓扑是在传统的单相全桥五电平钳位二极管电路基础上,增加了两个开关器件,利用10个开关器件以及4个钳位二极管产生了7种不同的电平输出。详细分析了该逆变器的拓扑结构,给出了PWM控制策略。最后通过仿真实验验证了这种拓扑的可行性。该逆变器对传统钳位二极管逆变器在结构上做出了优化。
叙词:变换器 多电平 拓扑结构 钳位二极管 电力电子
Abstract:The spread of multilevel converters in high-voltage and large-capacity fields is restrained due to complicated topologies, therefore this paper proposes a new multilevel converter topology on the base of the traditional multilevel converters topology. In this topology two power switches were used together with a full-bridge converter with clamping diodes. By using ten power switches and four diodes seven output voltage levels can be obtained. The composition of the topology and the PWM control method were described. At last the simulate results is provided, which proves the feasibility of the topology. The proposed converter optimizes the conventional converter with clamping diodes structure.
Keyword:Converters, Multilevel, Topology, Clamping-diodes, Power electronics